Can we show Injuries the Red Card pls?
Arggh!! This semester has been so incredibly injury filled for me. I’ve been sooo restrained from putting out my best so often. I’ve frequently been playing for Nemesis while carrying injuries, and even been totally out-of-action (sat out 2 matches this season, a 1st ever statistic that one!). Every time I return from an injury, I last like a few days before I’m out with another one. Someone must’ve really hated me enough to cast some jinx-spell on me. #&^$#$@!!
I started this semester with an ankle injury sustained from the end of the December vacation (and I’m not even counting the neck strain that bugged me thru the vacation and January!). That kept me limping for a few days, but by the end of 2 weeks I was back to full fitness. Days after that, a stubborn viral cough took a great liking to me. It loved me so much it raised my temperature to as much as 39 degrees during the night for a stretch of a week. The stupid cough reduced me to a pretty immobile player during the IHG Hockey competition. That was quite depressing as I’d been in great shape all of last semester and had big plans for the IHG.
I recovered a week after IHG and got through another 2 weeks before I found myself sucked into a freak accident which shattered my spectacles. I missed the match the day after that thanks to scratches on my cornea from the shattered glass that got into my right eye. The weekend after that I returned to play and was doing great for the next few matches. I got abt a month of matches under my belt, hitting top form, and then, totally out of the blue, I found myself nursing a torn calf muscle. When I first felt the pain, I thought it was an ordinary muscle strain and treated it as I wld any muscle strain. I massaged it and stretched it. Lo and behold, the pain multiplied geometrically the next cupla days. I knew right then it was a muscle tear, and a delayed check with the doc at UHWC confirmed my suspicion. 2 weeks of resting brought less than 50% recovery, and I missed the q-final match. I started the s-final match at 75%, but I pulled thru it without aggravating the condition (thank god!).
Now, just when my left calf is almost completely healed, I went and got my right ankle a real bad sprain while playing soccer. I lasted like 20 mins and then my night of action was all over. Its ridiculous! I know I’m not that fragile, its just that I keep getting involved in injury-inducing instances. Sigh……. What does it take to remain injury-free? Do I need to hire a bomoh to cast a protection spell on me?
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