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Saturday, October 29, 2005

Salaam Namaste

This movie made me laugh till I had a tear-drenched face and serious stomach cramps. A daring move in hindi cinema with an interesting idea. Though the hilarious segments will be good for watching with the family, there are other segments that probably won't go down well with the seniors in the family, like the close-up tongue-hockey scenes of Nick and Ambar in particular. Not to mention the ideas of premarital sex and co-habiting. Good cinematography as well and every bit worth the money paid for the tickets.

I'll probably purchase the movie when it comes out on dvd, mainly for its intense tickling effect. The songs were superb too, and of coz "My Dil goes Mmmmmm" is my fave. Besides the humour, the aspect that I particularly liked in the movie was the way Saif's character, Nick, almost unwittingly kept on doing things for Preity's character, Ambar, which showed how much he loved her. It kind of renewed my faith in the boundless potential for love in a relationship. Lately, I had kinda lost faith in the existence of true love in the face of the practicality of real life.

The movie didn't exactly prove anything, all it did was remind me that true love will always exist, and just coz I see and feel things that imply otherwise, that need not necessarily be the case. Its an undescribable experience to just simply feel that kind of love for someone. If you've felt it before, or currently do, then you'd know how heavenly it feels. Though its nice to enjoy that kind of love back from someone, its also soothing in a weird painful sort of way even if you don't; just loving a person like that can make your world a wonderful place to live in.

Sigh...maybe I've been spending too much time reading the Chicken Soup for the Couple's Soul....... or maybe its too much time spent thinking of soul medicine.........


Blogger Anil Mathew said...

hey mate... just watched the movie and really enjoyed it, even though the second half was a bit slow...

I love the songs from the movies, and Tu Jahan is now constantly in my mind :-)!!!

I think after watching this movie I realised commitment is something important in any relationship and that you should try and work things out before making rash decisions...

And yeah, true love does exist!!!

November 20, 2005 1:21 am  
Blogger No. 7 Man said...

Hehe, see, told ya :)

By sheer coincidence, I watched the movie all over again last night as well since I had trouble sleeping.

There's more to learn as well....if you're willing to forgive, in the end it could be worth it.....and sometimes you don't realise how selfish you've been all the while......and not least of the lessons, sometimes it's well worth it to throw practicality out the window......but then again, not everyone sees it that way.

November 20, 2005 11:27 am  

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